Design ◇ Film ◇ photography


Day 1

I have been planning on writing something for a very long time. By long, I mean years. Thinking about what I should write, whether it would be relevant if someone would like to read it and or like it. And after contemplating for years, today I thought to myself, Fuck it! this is about me, and me telling my story. A place where I can dump thoughts, decorate memories, and curate my learnings.

The fear of being new to something is real. The fear of acceptance is real. And what’s even scarier and more toxic is, Denial. That is what I want to honestly try and stop now. I know I can't do it immediately, but here's a start. Let's see what comes out of it.

This is me trying to jab some motivation down my own throat, so here goes nothing! Hope this works.

Also, Hi !!
