Design ◇ Film ◇ photography


“Good design is obvious. Great design is transparent.” –Joe Sparano

Live from the stage/my workspace

Live from the stage/my workspace


Udit Bhasker

A User Experience Designer based out of Delhi, India with a background in Visual Design and Film making. I am an avid Photographer and love to find interesting details in the simplicities of life. A firm believer of "The function of design is letting design function."

Started off as a Visual Designer, I found my way into Film Making. Which with time evolved into my interest towards design as a whole and not just limited to film. I wanted a deeper understanding of design and how we experience it.

My creative approach—no matter the medium—is to find points of tension behind the idea I’ve been assigned or am interested in. I do several iterations on each point and usually end up refining the one I find most controversial and fresh.

For me, controversy isn’t negative and about instigation, but rather, a way to arrest your audience. It’s a way to plant a little bit of desire in their hearts; a yearning to turn the page and learn more about your idea. Ultimately, it’s about creating memorable images.